( 06 SEP 2020 )

What causes female infertility
The mental trauma and the societal stigma attached to infertility in women leave several women dependent on their fate. While there are innumerable women who accept the way it is and continue bearing unnecessary taunts and comments, there are others who take the bold step and dig up more over the issue.

The best news is, in most cases, infertility can be treated. And, even if it cannot, there is a wide range of solutions available out there that can give you a little bundle of joy.

But, before going there, it is important to figure out the reasons behind female infertility. In this post, find out the major causes that lead to the inability of conceiving.

Failure in Ovulation:

This is one of the most common causes of female infertility. Basically, the failure of ovulation occurs in almost 40% of women who are dealing with infertility. Thus, understanding the reason behind this failure and diagnosing it earlier is quite essential. Primarily, the reasons behind not ovulating properly can vary.

Some of the basic causes of it would be:

• Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)
• Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
• Lesser number of eggs in ovaries because of ageing
• Endocrine disorders
• Environmental and lifestyle factors

Autoimmune Disorder:

Another common reason that can lead to infertility is an autoimmune disorder. Such disorders can compel the immune system of the body to attack tissues that would have been ignored if such condition wasn't there. Some of these disorders that can affect infertility are:

• Rheumatoid arthritis
• Thyroiditis
• Hashimoto's
• Lupus

Although primary reasons behind this effect haven't been disclosed completely yet, however, the involvement of inflammation in the placenta and uterus or medications used to treat disorders could be the culprits.

Irregular or Problematic Menstrual Cycle:

A period cycle is one of the important processes that a woman goes through as it prepares the body to pregnancy. However, issues and problems with this process can cause infertility. Considering that a menstrual cycle comprises a variety of phases, problems at any phase can cause difficulty in conceiving or infertility altogether.

Uterine Fibroids:

These are non-cancerous growths that take place inside a uterus. Based on the location and size, uterine fibroids can show symptoms; while others remain asymptomatic; thus, difficult to detect. Although the main cause behind the development of these fibroids is still unknown, however, genetic basis plays a significant role here.

In almost 5% to 10% infertile women, Fibroids have been detected. The ones that are located inside the uterine cavity and are more than 6 cm in size can leave a severe impact on fertility. Apart from that, fertility can also be affected if the fibroids:

• Alter the cervix's position; thus, decreasing the number of sperms entering the uterus
• Alter the uterus' shape; thus, interfering with the sperm movement or implantation
• Block fallopian tubes, preventing sperms from reaching the eggs
• Interfere with blood flow and stopping it from reaching the uterus, which may cause the inability of the embryo implantation

Structural Issues with the Reproductive System:

Generally, structural issues involve the existence of abnormal tissue in the uterus or fallopian tubes. If the fallopian tubes are blocked, eggs won't move from the ovaries and reaching uterus will be an impossible task for them. Not just that, but even sperms won't be able to reach eggs; thus, causing disruptions with fertilization.

Some structural problems that may lead to infertility are:

• Endometriosis
• Uterine fibroids
• Polyps
• Uterus scarring
• An unusual shape of the uterus

Wrapping Up:
With changing environment and lifestyle scenarios, there is a lot of issues that are coming under the notice. And, infertility is one of them that is constantly on the rise. However, not to worry! There are several solutions that can help you treat infertility and give you the joy of nurturing a life inside. All you have to do is take adequate treatment for the same.