( 05 SEP 2020 )
Premature Ovarian Failure
Premature Ovarian Failure, also popularly known as the Primary Ovarian Insufficiency, is a condition that impacts a woman before she reaches her menopause. Considering that the ovaries of a healthy woman produce estrogen, which controls the menstrual cycle and makes her fertile; this process of estrogen production gets stopped with age. Also, sometimes, ovaries stop working even before a woman has her menopause. Since the average menopause age is 51, anybody younger than that if experiences missing period cycles or conceiving issues could be dealing with premature ovarian failure.Causes of Premature Ovarian Failure:
Inside the ovaries of female, there are small sacs known as follicles. These follicles hold eggs as they evolve and mature. Usually, girls have 2 million seeds that turn into follicles that last throughout menopause.
In case follicles run out before reaching menopause, this is known as depletion or dysfunction. Basically, doctors are not sure of the exact reason behind this. This could be a genetic condition. However, apart from that, the causes could be:
• Viral infections
• Autoimmune disorders
• Chromosomal disorders
• Radiation therapy and chemotherapy
Symptoms of Premature Ovarian Failure:
Even if ovaries are not working normally, most of the times, you won't get to know that. In some cases, women dealing with premature ovarian failure may still have regular periods and get pregnant. However, most of them would have a troubled pregnancy. Thus, the most common symptoms of this condition are:
• Infrequent or missed periods
• Vaginal dryness, leading to uncomfortable sex
• Hot flashes
• Troubled sleeping
• Mood swings, depression, anxiety
• Lower sex drive
• Concentration or memory issues
Health Effects of Premature Ovarian Failure:
Low estrogen levels can impact more than just the ability to get pregnant. Estrogen is, basically, important for healthy bones and heart among other aspects of the body. If ovaries don't produce enough estrogen, you may have to deal with certain health issues, such as:
• Osteoporosis
• Depression and anxiety
• Hypothyroidism
• Eye issues, such as dry eyes
• Heart disease
• High cholesterol
Treatment of Premature Ovarian Failure:
Although there is no exact cure, there are some treatments that can help to easesymptoms and potential complications associated with the lower levels of estrogen. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) is one of the most common solutions. Usually, this treatment combines progestin and estrogen. If not that, this therapy can also be done by mouth, placement through skin or vagina. In case you are going with this option, ensure that your doctor tells you about the possible risks and side effects that may come along.
Apart from that, your doctor may also prescribe vitamin D and calcium supplements to avert bone loss, which may happen with a dropped level of estrogen. If you don't work out regularly, you would have to develop this routine to keep bones strong, heart healthy and weight balanced.
Also, if you want to get pregnant, you can talk to a counsellor and work closely with your doctor to comprehend the options that you can use to conceive. Also, make sure you don't avoid the conversation that can help you lower down risks. Proper medication and a healthy lifestyle can definitely assist you to deal with premature ovarian failure.