Female Infertility

Female Infertility Treatment in Andrews Ganj, Female Infertility Tests in Andrews Ganj, Female Infertility Specialist Doctors in Andrews Ganj, Top & Best Female Infertility Specialist in Andrews Ganj. Our physicians have been at the forefront of the reproductive medicine arena since inception and our physicians have been breaking new ground from a medical standpoint as well as a patient advocacy perspective. An integral part of the philosophy, new developments in reproductive medicine continue to drive our outstanding success rates.
There are various other health issues as well that could force you to take up the procedure of IVF in Andrews Ganj, and these are:
• Damaged Fallopian Tube: Fallopian tube is the area in the woman's body where the woman's egg gets fertilized by meeting a man's sperm. If this part of the woman's body is damaged or broken, it could ask for IVF treatment for the process of reproduction.

• Ovarian Failure: If the ovary is not functioning properly at the age before 40 and is unable to produce proper hormones or fewer eggs are available for fertilization then you have to rush for IVF treatment in Andrews Ganj.

• A genetic Disorder: If you or your partner fear of transferring some disease or any other thing genetically to the baby you can choose the option of IVF and be doubt free as the embryo that will be formed outside the woman's body will be checked for health before transferring back to the woman's body, although it is not possible to look for all the genetic problems but yes, some of them can be safely kept away from the child.

• Woman is possessing serious health issue: Through this technique of IVF in Andrews Ganj, woman who cannot afford to carry the baby in their womb can lend other woman's womb for their embryo and can have their problem solved. Isn't it amazing?
There are many other cases where IVF treatment in Andrews Ganj could be the last choice to be taken up by the couple for having their baby in this world.

Female Infertility Tests in Andrews Ganj • Blood Tests: On the third day of a spontaneous or progesterone withdrawal menstruation, blood is drawn to measure Estradiol (E2), FSH, LH and Inhibin-B. Blood should also be drawn (any time) for the measurement of Prolactin, TSH and antisperm antibodies (ASA).
• Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH): An abnormal pattern of estrogen production during the first half of the menstrual cycle, which could result in infertility or recurrent miscarriages.
• Lutenizing Hormone (LH): A gonadotropin released by the pituitary gland to stimulate the ovaries and testicles.
• LH serial blood tests: When this test is performed several times daily around the presumed time of ovulation, the detection of a rapidly rising blood LH (luteinizing hormone) concentration can accurately determine the time of probable ovulation.
Through these tests we get an exact idea of where the problem is and can therefore diagnose problems carefully.