Surrogacy Treatment

Surrogacy in Kurukshetra, Surrogacy Treatments in Kurukshetra, Surrogacy Cost in Kurukshetra, Surrogacy Packages in Kurukshetra, Cost of Surrogacy in Kurukshetra. Seldom is the problem with the pregnancy that the woman is unable to handle the pain physically that she had to undergo during the time while carrying the baby in the womb. This is the time where the concept of surrogate mother comes in picture.

In the process of surrogacy treatment, a woman (Known as surrogate mother) offers to keep the baby in her womb for the couple who is unable to keep the baby in theirs and after the delivery of the child, she give back the baby to her original mother. In simple words, the baby of a couple lives in some other woman's womb during the pregnancy period and this type of treatment is called Surrogacy treatment.

The process is pretty complex both physically and psychiatrically for all the three people (The couple and the surrogate mother) involved in it. So before going through the process, it is mandatory to have enough knowledge about everything that involves in the process and all the parties should agree upon it.

What is Surrogacy
It is basically a form of assisted reproduction wherein a woman carries a child in her uterus on behalf of another woman to full term and delivers a healthy baby to her. The "Indian Council of Medical Research" lays down the surrogacy procedures which are followed by all registered IVF hospitals in India.

• As a first step, a detailed investigation of the medical and personal history of the surrogate mother is undertaken. Details of previous IVF cycles, obstetric treatment history are also recorded in a database. The intended parents can choose the surrogate from the scores of surrogate mothers listed in the database.
• Commissioning parents usually use filters like age, skin colour, eye colour, height, weight in order to match the best possible surrogate for the intended mother. Once a surrogate is selected, documentation begins along with guidance about treatment procedures and an escrow account is opened.
• Both the surrogate and intended mother are then put on medication in order synchronize their periods. During this stage, the surrogate mother is made to undergo screening procedures like: Hysteroscopy, ultra-sonography, pap smear, trial transfer and psychological testing to ensure that she is committed to the process.
• Fertility doctors monitoring the follicular activity initiate ovarian stimulation so that the intended mother can produce mature eggs faster. While Hormonal injection is administered to develop the lining of the uterus in case medications like Oestrogen and Progesterone fail to deliver the results.
• The genetic mother who is the egg donor in the surrogacy procedure undergoes oocyctes removal under general anaesthesia. Sperms are obtained from the male partner and the eggs are fertilized outside the body using IVF/ICSI procedure.

Nowadays Cumulus aided transfer technique is employed for embryo transfer in the well lined uterus of the surrogate. A pregnancy test is done after 14 days of embryo transfer and if it is positive, the IVF clinic takes ample care of surrogate mother for the next nine months before the baby is delivered.

Who Needs Surrogacy
If you are trying your best to have a child without using any assisted reproduction technique, then questions like these might be coming in your mind. As a method of assisted reproduction, surrogacy is opted for when a female patient cannot carry a foetus to its full term owing to medical reasons. In such a case, the embryo developed after fertilizing the female eggs with the male sperm is implanted in the womb of a surrogate mother who carries the child to full term and delivers the baby. There are several reasons enumerated below as to why a female patient might not be able to carry a child to its full term in her womb.

Rokitansky Syndrome-women born without a womb

Repeated IVF inspite of good quality embryo

Recurrent miscarriages

No uterus since birth


Large uterine fibroids in uterus

Hysterectomy or uterus removal


Genetical tuberculosis

Damaged uterine lining

Chronic Diabetes mellitus

Blood clotting disorders


Abnormalities in the size of uterus

If your spouse has any of the above conditions, then we suggest you come and consult the fertility specialists at our clinic and we will guide you in the best possible manner

Surrogacy Process
The Process g all regular tests and investigations at the same time.n the escrow account and take care of the surrogate mother by conductiThe first thing that you need to keep in mind about Surrogacy as an assistive reproduction process is that it is safe, hassle-free, private, confidential and absolutely hassle-free if you patronize the services of a hospital. With our expertise, you can be rest assured that your time, money, energy and trust are in safe hands. We will help you with the documentation process, help open the escrow account and take care of the surrogate mother by conducting all regular tests and investigations at the same time.

Staying calm is half the battle won
As a first time parent, there may be certain apprehensions in your mind with regard to IVF, ICSI, surrogacy and it is perfectly normal to have such doubts. But you should assure yourself with one thing in mind that your case is being handled by people who have devoted their entire careers into the field of assisted reproduction. And these fertility specialists have gone through the rigors of medical school, internership, residency, fellowship and are double-distilled products from the best medical schools that have made a name for themselves in the surrogacy space.

Our due diligence system
At our IVF clinic, we have a strong due-diligence system that not only does reference checks of surrogates but also ensures that the surrogates are in sound mental, physical health before they are accepted into the process. We have a sound legal framework that ensures all documentation is in place along with the escrow arrangements so that both parties are confident of a successful outcome.
We conduct both traditional surrogacy and gestational surrogacy for our patrons. The former is referred to as the process where sperms from the natural father are used and inseminated into the eggs from the surrogate who is the donor. The latter is more popular where the embryo is placed in the uterus of the

Surrogacy Mother
Surrogacy refers to a process where another person provides sperm or eggs or where another woman provides her uterus so that a woman can have a child. Thus the reproductive process goes beyond the traditional father-mother model. However, the third party's involvement is limited to the reproductive process and does not extend into the raising of the child.

Sperm donation

Ovum donation

Embryo donation


Complete Evaluation of Surrogate mother is undertaken as follows:
• BBT Charting: Commencing on the second day (2nd) of the menstrual cycle, a basal body temperature chart should be initiated.The temperature should be documented graphically on the basal body temperature chart provided.
• Postcoital Test (PCT): Assessment of the cervical mucus after intercourse to evaluate the quality of the mucus and mucus sperm interaction; also known as the Huhner Test.
Transvaginal (Pelvic) Ultrasound Exam
• Transvaginal Egg Retrieval – An ultrasound guided egg retrieval procedure in which the needle is passed through the back or side of the woman's vagina into her ovaries. It is the most commonly performed egg retrieval procedure today.
• Hysterosalpingogram (HSG): A procedure used to assess the interior of the fallopian tubes and uterus; it involves injecting a dye into the uterus via the vagina and cervix, and tracking the dye's pathway by a series of X-rays.

Once the surrogate mother clears all these tests only then we sign the escrow arrangement with them.